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What if the client derails the conversation and makes us risk going over time?
What if the client derails the conversation and makes us risk going over time?
Updated over a week ago

In such a situation, it's important to tactfully steer the conversation back on track while ensuring the client feels heard and valued.

Politely interrupting and guiding the discussion might sound like this: "Absolutely, I understand the importance of strategizing together. To make sure we cover everything effectively today, could we focus first on walking through this initial project request? This will give you a clear idea of our process and how we can best meet your needs. Then, let's schedule a dedicated 60-minute strategy meeting where we can delve deeper into your goals and strategies. This way, we can ensure we're making the most of our time together and address all your concerns comprehensively."

This approach acknowledges the client's desire for strategic discussion while gently redirecting the conversation to the immediate task at hand. It sets a clear agenda for both the current meeting and the future strategy session, ensuring that all important topics are covered effectively and efficiently.

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